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used to do的否定句和疑问句

2023-12-26 11:04 353浏览

used to do的否定是didn't use to do或者usedn't to do.used to do的疑问形式是将used提前,或者在句首加did.下面具体来看看吧!

used to do的否定句和疑问句

否定句:常用didn't use to do sth “过去不常做某事” ; 较少用 used not(usedn't)to do sth

I didn't use to enjoy listening to rock music =I usedn't to enjoy listening to rock music


疑问句:常常借助动词did 提问, 也可用used 直接提问。

I used to go swimming我过去常去游泳。

→改为一般疑问句: Did you use to go swimming ? = Used you to go swimming?

我以前常去游泳。 你以前常去游泳吗?

Yes ,I did →No,I didn't

I used to swim in the pond in front of my house. 过去我常在我家前面的池塘游泳。

→ 特殊疑问句:Where did you use to swim ? 你过去常在哪游泳呀?

=Where used you to swim ?

特别要注意: be used (/ju:zd/) to do sth 被用来做某事 →同义:be used for doing sth.

而be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 →同义:get/become used to doing sth.

Wood is used to make paper.木头被用来造纸。

They are used to working in the noisy condition.他们习惯了在嘈杂的环境下工作。


used to do(过去经常做……事)


We used to go for a walk after supper.


be used to do(被用来做…事)

这里的“used” 作为非谓语动词完成时态表示被动,其并不是独立的谓语。其结合“be”动词构成完整的谓语动词被动结构,因为“used”在这里是动词,所以后面接的“to”是不定式符号,例句:

Wood is used to make paper.


be used to doing(习惯于做……事)


Are you used to doing hard work?


used to do和be used to doing的区别


used to do中used是谓语动词,所以其后跟随的“to”为不定式符号

be used to doing中used是形容词,真正的谓语是be,后面的“to”是介词


used to do中“used”单独做谓语动词表示过去经常,一般过去时态(常态)。

示例:He used to go to our school。


be used to doing中“used”是形容词,表达“习惯”的意思,而不是谓语动词,真正的谓语动词为Be动词,时态可以是一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时。

used to do的否定形式是didn't use to do 或 usedn't to do;疑问形式是Did you use to do sth?