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2023-12-27 15:29 526浏览

be加过去分词done,这个是被动语态的结构。说是什么时态,那得看be动词了。be动词是am,is,are,就是一般现在时态,是was,were,就是一般过去时态,是have been,has been就是现在完成时等。



(1)一般现在时的被动语态:am [is, are]+过去分词

English is taught in our school. 我们学校学英语。

We are taken good care of at school. 我们在学校受到很好的照顾。

(2)一般过去时的被动语态:was [were]+过去分词

He was taken to the police station. 他被带到了警察局。

The house was built ten years ago. 这座房子是10年前建的。

(3)一般将来时的被动语态:will be+过去分词

A new building will be built here soon. 不久这里将建一栋新楼。

The meeting will be held at two this afternoon. 会议将于今天下午2点举行。

(4)现在完成时的被动语态:have [has]been+过去分词

All the work has been done now. 所有的工作现在都做好了。

Have the letters been posted? 信都寄了吗?

(5)过去完成时的被动语态:had been+过去分词

He said the work had been finished. 他说工作已完成了。

(6)现在进行时的被动语态:am [is, are] being+过去分词

My watch is being repaired by him. 我的表正在由他修理。

The plan is now being discussed. 计划现在正在讨论。

(7)过去进行时的被动语态:was [were] being+过去分词

He said that the man was being operated on. 他说那个人正在动手术。

He told me that a new station was being built. 他说正在修建一个新车站。

(8)过去将来时的被动语态:would be+过去分词

He said that the meeting would be held next week. 他说会议将于下周举于。



1.Their machine is here.他们的机器在这里。

2.The sample is on the working table.样品在工作台上。


1.Iron is useful.铁是有用的。

2.Our victory is a great victory.我们的胜利是伟大的胜利。


1.The plant was built in 1958.该厂建于1958年。

2.This book will be translated by the old workers.这本书将由那些老工人来翻译。


1.They are designing a new-type machine.他们正在设计一台新型机器。

2.This kind of machine was being designed by the engineers.当时这种机器正由工程师设计。


Our task is building socialism.我们的任务是建设社会主义。



1.The method is to be described in detail.这种方法将予以详细说明。

2.He is to leave at night o'clock this evening.他要在今晚八点钟离开。

注1:有时“is(或are)to be +过去分词”这种结构含有can be,must be的意思。例如:

1.This compound is rarely to be found in nature.(=This compound can rarely be found in nature.)这种化合物在自然界很少发现。