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feel sb do还是doing

2023-12-30 09:50 2726浏览

feel sb do sth 表示感觉某人做了某事。而feel sb doing sth 则表示感觉某人正在做某事。例如:She felt him hear of it.她感觉他听说了这事。She can feel him listening to her although she can't see him.她能感觉到他正在听她说,尽管她看不见他。

feel sb do还是doing

feel sth doing,感觉到……正在做某事。feel sth do,感觉到……做了某事。

1、feel +宾语+doing sth 觉得……正在

He felt his health improving.


He felt a hand touching his shoulder.


She could feel herself blushing.


2、feel +宾语+do sth 觉得……做某事

feel用作实义动词的用法,表示“感觉”,属感官动词,其后接不定式的复合结构作宾语时,不定式不能带to;表示“觉得”、“认为” ,其后可接“宾语+to be”这样的形式。

We felt the house shake.


I felt something crawl up my arm.


We felt the ground give way under our feet.


比较feel sth与feel for sth;前者意为“摸某物”,后者意为“摸着找某物”。



feel的用法2:feel用作及物动词的基本意思是“触摸,感觉到”,引申可作“蒙受,遭受”“相信,认为”“直接感觉到”解。可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接由that、疑问词或as if引导的从句作宾语。feel还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“(to be+)n./adj./prep.-phrase”充当,也可由动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当。当表示宾语的动作已完成时通常接动词不定式;表示宾语的动作正在进行时接现在分词,表示被动或完成意义时接过去分词。



1、feel like (doing) sth. 想要(做)某事

①He feels like a drink.(他想要一杯饮料。)

②I feel like eating some bread.(我想吃一些面包。)

2、feel certain/sure…确信···

①I feel certain of your success.(我确信你一定会成功。)

②I feel certain that Mike will go to New York soon.(我确信迈克很快就要去纽约。)

③He felt sure Tom had read the book.(他确信汤姆已经看过那本书了。)

3、feel for somebody 同情某人

①I know they really feel for Mike.(我知道他们真的同情迈克。)

②Don't feel for the bad.(不要同情坏人。)

4、 feel about sb./sth.对···有某种看法

①How do you feel about that book?(你觉得那本书如何?)

②How do you feel about her friend?(你觉得她朋友怎么样?)

5、feel out 试探,摸清

①You should feel out Mike and see if he will go to the library tomorrow.(你应该试探一下迈克,看看他是否明天要去图书馆。)

②You needn't feel out her because she is an honest girl.(你不需要试探她,因为她是一个真诚的女孩。)