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2023-12-30 17:03 861浏览




1. 表达“意愿”


Please come over for the weekend if you will. 如果你愿意请来度周末。

No one will do such a dirty job. 每人愿意做这份很脏的工作。

We will never yield to invaders. 我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。

2. 表示“请求”

Will you join us for a drink, Lance? 兰斯,和我们一起喝一杯吧?

Won't you go have a coffee with us? 怎么不和我们一起去喝杯咖啡?


Oil will float on water.油会浮在水上。

This old man is strange.He will sit for hours without saying anything. 这位老人很奇怪,他会坐在那儿几个小时不说一句话。

4. 表示推测(可能性)

This will be the book you are looking for,I think. 我想这可能是你要找的书。

That will be an insect. 那可能是只昆虫。

5. 表示推测(必然性)

Man will die without air. 没有空气,人注定要死亡。

You will regret if you waste your time. 浪费时间,你一定会后悔的。


1. Will主要用于表示未来发生的事情或做出决定。例如:

I will go to the store tomorrow. (我明天会去商店。)

She will study hard for the exam. (她会为考试努力学习。)

They will not allow smoking in the building. (他们不允许在大楼里吸烟。)

另外,"will" 还可以用来表示意愿、请求或命令。例如:

I will help you with your homework. (我会帮你做作业。)

Will you please close the door? (请你关门好吗?)

You will do as I say. (你要按我说的去做。)

2. Would可以用于表示虚拟条件和过去的习惯或状态。例如:

If I had more time, I would travel around the world. (如果我有更多时间,我会环游世界。)

She would always play the piano after dinner. (她过去总是在晚饭后弹钢琴。)

此外,"would" 也可以用于礼貌地提出请求或建议。例如:

Would you mind passing me the salt, please? (请问你能递给我盐吗?)

I would suggest going to the park instead of the movie theater. (我建议去公园而不是电影院。)

需要注意的是,"would" 也可以用于在间接引语中表示原话的转述。例如:

He said that he would come to the party. (他说他会来参加聚会。)


1. shall



- I shall go to the gym later today.

- Shall we meet at the park?

- They shall be rewarded for their hard work.

2. should



- I should get more exercise.

- You should study harder if you want to pass the exam.

- If you should need any help, just let me know.

3. will



- I will go to the gym tomorrow.

- Will you be attending the party?

- We will help you move into your new apartment.